Masters in Applied Exercise Science Concentration Strength and Conditioning

American Council on Exercise Personal Trainer
American Council on Exercise Health Coach
National Academy of Sports Medicine Corrective Exercise Specialist
Animal Flow, Level 2
Kettlebell Concepts, Level 1
UCanRow2 Indoor Rowing
Neuromuscular Facilitated Stretching Specialty
CrossFit Kids, CrossFit Endurance, CrossFit Rowing

Current Studies
Adjunct Professor at SUNY Rockland Community College
Course: National Council on Strength and Fitness, Advanced Concepts of Personal Training


When I was a teenager, my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He was a physically very active man, always busy in his yard. After his diagnosis, he explained in his usual joking manner how he was telling his body to move in a certain way, but it wouldn't listen to his commands. I realized then how important our physical abilities are for our overall well-being and quality of life. My grandfather's struggle influenced me to stay fit by eating healthy, using the high school gym, participating in organized sports throughout college, and participating in recreational sports until now.

I believe that my work brings much value into my clients' lives; by following my programs, they are transforming to a more active life, gaining vitality and longevity. I witnessed how certain physical daily life activities and sports are becoming possible for my clients, where before they would not have been able to perform them or doubted they could even attempt them.

I set people up for stability to achieve the best results, optimizing effective movements to develop strength and mobility efficiently. With my understanding of kinesiology, I identify compensations in movement and daily activity. I am passionate about training my clients to move better, quicker, and stronger than ever. It has to be done effectively and precisely to provide this fitness level to my clients. Making these meaningful and significant changes in my client's lives is my fuel and happiness.

Bringing about your best movements for life. This is my medicine.


· Individual program tailoring that encompasses not just personal goals but the elimination of weaknesses, imbalances, and pain
· Precise and highly effective exercises
· Faster results
· Safe movement
· A learning opportunity that goes beyond the correct execution of exercises
· Development of skills that go beyond that of average fitness programs (e.g. neuromuscular control, tendon stretch reflex)
· Improved well-being and quality of life
· Mitigate low back and knee pain
· Reduce mechanical dysfunctions in the shoulder, hip, and ankle
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